Workflow retrying when failed

When we have some complex and very long workflows it can fail for any of the component's failure. Can we have a option that we can set to retry running that workflow for 'N' times when failing.

Let me know what @retool thinks about this.


Hi @mpmohi

Thanks for reaching out! The good news is that we are working on a feature for this :sunglasses:

Do you have any interest in being a part of the early opt-in for this new feature called “block retries”? If so, I can add it to your account. We'd love to hear your thoughts! If any other users see this and are interested, feel free to comment below & I'll add you

I'd recommend early opting in if you're interested in providing feedback or being part of the initial beta. If you only want to use this feature once it's enabled for all workflows users, keep an eye on this thread. I'll be posting here once it has fully shipped

Hi @Tess ,

I would definitely love to opt in for beta. But I have many account for different client so maybe you can DM me and I can share some other account .


Thanks, I see your message! I requested for all those orgs to have access

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Hi @Tess ,

Not sure if it's related with retry I see that my flow shows running for infinite time (!) . This workflow runs every hour if you see the image you can see it is successful on last run but it's previous is showing running state. How to know if it's actually running or stuck on any process ? and where is the 'Kill Switch' for this.


Hi @mpmohi

We don't have a 'Kill Switch' yet, unfortunately. We are thinking this is unrelated to the retry feature though. Any chance we can step into your workflow to take a look? We'd just need your permission & then the instance subdomain or email

Sure, please take a look.


@mpmohi It sounds like this was related to a bug that we fixed. That said, we're working on a terminate workflow run feature, so I'll post back here when that ships!

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Hi @Tess is it possible for us to get access to this feature too. It would be very useful.
Our retool workspace is and admin email is

Hi @Parth_Sharma

Retries are already available for all orgs! It looks a bit different than my original screenshot:

Let me know if you're not seeing this feature