Navigation with tabs

i have this use case:

a table with lot of records, when user click on a row it goes to the next tab view

what i need is when i click next or previous icon to go to the next record in table1 of tab1

i configure one arrow like that but its not working, it stays on first row of my table1 in tab1.

what im missing?

thank you

Does the table have multiple selection of rows enabled? If it does I don't believe that will work.

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i enabled that for testing right now but doesnt works either, i had it before in SINGLE row selection

if i put table in same tab2, then the arrows works good, but thats not the idea

It works when Table is set to allow Single row selection

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yeah it works but when the arrow are in same tab, at least for me. If the table is on Tab 1, and arrows on tab2, doesnt work for me

You have to have separate sets of arrows inside of each tab and specify the table within that tab


this wont never work? my table is on Tab 1

It might but you'll never see the change unless you also switch to tab1 programmatically - I am not clear on the use case here

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ok i got this, on tab 2

tab 1 is

so when im on Tab 2, i click next arrow it should show then, info from the second row of table that is on tab1, so user wont need to go back to the tab1 at all

Got it ok let me test

OK this does seem to be the case... wondering why it is limited when the table is within a specific tab

To add to this, the text input field in the second tab can read the selected row when it is manually selected in the first tab.

@Tess @Kabirdas @victoria a bug?

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so for now i can have table hidden in second tab, but that will add more resources to that tab, maybe will got slow? client wants that basically as they are using access right now

they can go to next client right away using the arrows in the bottom

instead of working with the table rows you can work with the data source and set a transformer to select the data depending of a variable containing the index.
now with your buttons you increase/decrease the variable and the transformer will responde to the changes

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Any interaction with a table directly in another container view can't be performed, to my knowledge. This includes actions such as selecting a row, unselecting a row, clearing selections, etc.


But with that i need to click on button on tab 1 first always. What if user goes directly to tab1 and want to see first item or first row

You can add a field in tab2 where user can search by index then u can use a event handler when change to set the field value to the variable

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thats the thing, user wont want to click anything only the next and prev buttons. Maybe something to always have index 0 always got the first row? of course after each refresh of app it will go back to index 0

yeah, u can set the default value of the variable to be 0

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