Navigation Items Expanded without Being Highlighted

Is it possible to have a navigation menu item with sub-menu items expanded without it being highlighted? I am using titles on my app that reference the highlighted menu item as such

{{[ navigation2.highlightByIndex.indexOf(true)].label }}

So, I need to only have 1 navigation menu item highlighted at a time but do not want my nav menu items collapsed by default.

Hello @Justin_Fuqua!

Could you share a screenshot of the components and the highlighting?

There might be a component method for toggling component highlighting to turn them off. If they are being turned on manually I am not sure if that ability to not turn the highlight on at all in the first place is possible...

Also there should be another option to accomplish your use case, you can have on click a boolean be toggled so the logic of 'which item has a user clicked or unclicked' can be saved separate from the component's state.

Possibly an object with boolean values for many options instead of making a bunch of bool vars :thinking:

Thanks for following up @Jack_T. I found a workaround so I'll close this request out. I'm only highlighting the submenu item the user is on and using icons on main menu items to visually separate the two.