Multiselect / Select all / not updating visually the multiselect


I have a multiselect in my mobil app and I use a button to select all.
It does select all, but it does not update the multiselect to reflect the change (Like if nothing is selected).
And when I click on the multi select it clears everything that was selected using the button...

So I cannot select all and go into the multiselect to deselect one thing.

Is there something I am missing ?

Hi there @brocantcode :wave:

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I recreated the issue on my end and see the problem! I've brought this up to our mobile team and will keep you posted on any updates/fixes. :computer:

If I'm understanding your use case, you may be able to achieve the ability to select all with a button and de-select as needed using a checkboxGroup component. :thinking: I've created an example below.

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If you are seeing any additional issues with your event handlers executing in the correct order, I may also suggest moving your event handler logic into a Javascript query to ensure that everything is running sequentially.

Let us know if you have any additional questions!

Hi, Thanks for the reply ! I'm looking forward for the fix :stuck_out_tongue:
I'll look into the checkboxGroup component and see if it can work in my use case :slight_smile: .

Thank you !

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Hope it can do the trick for you in the time being, @brocantcode! Can I ask what version of Retool you're working on? I want to be sure I'm being as thorough as I can be on the bug report so we can get this fixed. :blush:

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Hey @brocantcode ,

Thanks for reporting this bug.

I made a fix for this bug and hopefully goes out next week :pray:


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