More preview woes

Since upgrading on-prem to 3.75.14 lat week , experiencing. some weird issues.
It will suddenly insert a large gap between 2 text components in preview and live mode - in dev mode it shows as correct.
Tried clearing and refreshing the cache.

It seems to get. its internal json messed up and the way out (or so we think) is to delete the previous text component and then re-insert it.
Not good when this is happening.quite often.

Need a fix for this urgently,

  • The app was originally created in 3.52.14 then the Retool version was upgraded to 3.75.14.
  • screenshots showing dev mode and then preview mode

Dev (edit)

Preview with a gap coming out of nowhere - there are no other components above or below the gap as can be seen in the dev(edit) screenshot!:

Hey Pete,

Thanks for reporting this. Can you confirm the following questions:

  • Is this happening on any other apps or just this one?
  • Does it only seem to happen with Text Components or other components?
  • Is this space also present in End user mode as well as the Preview mode you posted above?
  • Are there any hidden components on the page that may be influencing the space?

|f you provide me with an app export I can run some additional testing.


THis is the first app we have worked on since the upgrade
happens with radio buttons, text components, checkbox groups
Yes present on preview and end user mode
No hidden components


Hey @peter.b! Thanks for reaching out.

If you're still having issues with this, are you able to send me a JSON export of your app with hard-coded query results?

That would be the quickest way for us to verify that this is a consistently reproducible issue and, ultimately, to come up with a fix. :+1:

Hi @Darren
Because the app had a hard release deadline, we came up with a way around this.
We put all the rogue text areas inside a fixed height container and the textareas are now confined within that container which prevented the gaps from appearing.

I have already made the json available to our Retool engineer here in the uk a couple weeks ago, but nothing definitive back.

As I said, we found a workaround which works but is less than ideal.

This has only happened since we upgraded to 3.75.14 rfom 3.52.14.
Thus far, 3.75.14 has given us nothing but headaches

Glad to hear you were able to find a solution that works for the time being. :+1:

Unless you have any additional questions, I'll consider this particular thread to be closed and route any follow-up through your org's TAM!