Modules inside List View

I have been trying to populate list view with a module that I have created. But it always shows the error "Cannot place a undefined inside a List view". I want to make a simple note-taking application where I have created a module for each note. But I am unable to use it inside a list view when I want to see all the notes for a specific user. Kindly help me if anyone has encountered such a situation and/or knows the fix for the above-mentioned error.

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Just tried it out with a bunch of differently set-up modules and I can confidently say: You can not place modules in a List View :stuck_out_tongue:

Why don't you just use a Container instead of a module and place all your other components in there?

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It does work with containers although there are some styling issues. I can work around with using containers and then create custom CSS to do styling. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Edit: Was able to put the container in the list view, and then place the module in that container.

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Hi, I just ran across the same problem
I've created a simple Module that displays an image fetched from S3, and tried to use it in a list-view. got "Cannot place a undefined inside a List View".
This thread is from two years ago, and I was wondering if anything changed since

Hey @Boaz_Zimmerman, we connected on this via email, but also wanted to update the thread here. Placing a module directly in a listview is still not possible, but we do have a ticket tracking this internally and will update the thread if there is any other status update to give. Thanks!

Any news? We would also use that.

Hey @erispoe, no updates on this at this time. I've added your +1 to the internal ticket. It's not on the near term roadmap to implement this, but I'll update here if there is any status change.


Hi, this feature would be great if you guys can make it happen