Modal Component - Condition to Open

Hi Everyone,

I d like to be able to condition the opening of a modal component ("EDIT" button) and I do not find a way to do that.

The rule should be, if there is no customer selected then the modal component should be possible to be open.

I tried to use the event handler but it does not seems to do the job.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions,

OK so if you don't want to open the modal/or you want to disable the Edit modal button you can do 1 or 2 things:
Note - when you hover over the Customer_Selection.value in the Only run when field what pops up in the hover? null or ""?

  1. In the event handler should be {{Customer_Selection.value != "" && Production _Selection != ""}}
  2. Or place this same logic in the Disable field in the Edit Modal component

Awesome it works with solution 2 " 1. Or place this same logic in the Disable field in the Edit Modal component"


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