Missing autocomplete settings

I'd like one of my text inputs to be autocompleted with name.
But I can't seem to find anything like required autocomplete="name"
LastPass seems to catch the idea that it's a name autofill. But retool app on the mobile populates address instead.

Is there another way to do it?

Hello @Scottsky!

Totally understand that autocomplete would be very helpful for filling in names faster.

Could you provide more details on the Retool mobile app populating addresses?

I am thinking about how the app could store the data for names previously entered. It should be possible but might need to store this data in a backend DB and fetch this to "remember" the options :thinking:

Definitely a bummer that a mobile password manager like LastPast doesn't work for remembering and filling in the name. I am now curious if the apple password keychain works with Retoool mobile apps :sweat_smile:

A potential work around in the short term could be having a Select Component that holds a short list of names your team is commonly using.

This would be tricky to scale the hardcoding of names, but you could have a user one-time use a form to made a POST query to a DB to save their name. Then for all future form posts the user is making, use the Select Component which will grab all previously added names to make name input selecting quicker.

Let me know if either of those would be plausible work arounds and I can also check with our mobile engineering team on what autocomplete for mobile would look like!

Browser preview tries to autocomplete with LastPass name and actually succeeds. So as with email.

The mobile phone interface autocompletes name with full address House, Street... zip And email auto completes successfully.

I don't think I want to go as far as creating a common names table. There is a built in halfway working functionality meant for it. It just needs to do the right thing for us.

How hard would it be to file a feature request to expose autocomplete settings of text inputs?

Thank you for the great response and feedback!

Should not be hard to get a feature request for that at all :slightly_smiling_face:

I was thinking you were asking for changing the settings on LastPass, which we can't really do since it is a third party tool.

I think building out autocomplete from scratch would take our engineers some time but if we already have some built in Retool autocomplete we should be able to expose the settings and cache results for a given account!

Will let you know if I hear any updates on this FR from our mobile eng team :man_technologist:

Thank you.

I was merely trying to get things less confusing for the end user. They stormed me with "why i get named with my home address?" (Cause you are not looking what you autofill with... Duh)

Sweet if fixing this landed in feature request - that's awesome.

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Hello @Scottsky!

Just got word that the ticket for this has been marked as done by our engineering team. Looking forward to getting this update merged and launched shortly.

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