Listview Component requires reload when I switch to page

I have a multipage app that I am trying to create. On one of the pages I have a listview component. When I switch to another page and then go back to the page with the Listview component it asks me to reload the contents. This is frustrating and not a good user experience.

I have tried making sure that the data source query for the Listview is ran everytime the page is loaded however it still makes me reload.

What can I do to fix this??

Any error logs or anything in the console for when that query runs?

Its not really an error. It just shows that I have to reload the component. The query runs fine in the back.

Actually you are right there is an error with the listview componenet its self this is the error Im getting :

Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.

Looks like its an error on the react side of the component. I found this stack overflow: reactjs - "Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop." - Stack Overflow