Keep navigation module previous state while navigating through multiple apps

I have made a navigation bar as a model. In the menu bar, i have a dropdown selection box. Each item on the navigation bar leads to another app. The dropdown is selection is supposed to be global. So when I navigate to another app, I expect the selection I made before clicking the navitgation bar stays. But it actually doesn't. How can I make the navigation bar (module) to keep the selection when moving between the apps?

Hi @Wei_Chen, although I have not seen this use case before, we should be able to set up URL query params, or key-value pairs in LocalStorage to do this.

Here is a great article from @sophie (Bold Tech) that goes over everything you'll need to set this up.

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How did it go? :face_with_monocle:

I ended up using a variable to store the selection globally.

Thanks for the follow-up, @Paulo

Great workaround! :sunglasses: