JSONSchemaForm Text Area Height


Configure the height of ui:widget:'textarea'


Add component JSONSchemaForm,
Create a field called notes

JSON Schema

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "notes": {
      "type": "string",
      "title": "Notes",

UI Schema

  "notes": {
    "ui:options": {
      "widget": "textarea",
      "rows": 5,

Observation: The notes field has the textarea handle on the bottom right corner, but the height is ignored.


Textarea row height does not appear to be honored.
The documentation suggests that this is possible.

  • Screenshots:


Thanks for reaching out! I'm seeing the same issue :disappointed: I don't have a timeline for this one, but I'll reach out here when our team is able to ship a fix

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Hey @Tess -- slightly different question, but is it possible to set or get the height of the JSON schema form component?

Doesn't seem like there's a way to get it to fully expand its height, which means the form is always scrolled.

Auto height for the JSON schema form is a feature request that we haven't been able to prioritize yet :disappointed: I'm not aware of any workarounds to manually setting the fixed height

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Got it! Thank you.

I wasn’t able to get it to work on its own, but when placed within a stack, this CSS should work:

/* For the JSON Schema Form component (not the Retool native form)*/
/* Ensure the form expands to fit its contents */
[class*=“JSONSchemaFormWidget”] {
    flex: 0 0 auto;

/* If the parent container doesn't scroll*/
/* Fix overflow scroll issue */
[data-testid*="ContainerWidget_YourContainerName"] > section, [data-testid*="ContainerWidget_YourContainerName"] > section > div {
  overflow-y: scroll !important;

/*  */
/*  */
/*  */
/* If you're using the native Retool form... */

/* Ensure the form fits its contents */
[class*="_retool-FormWidget"] form {
  height: auto !important;

/* This is weird and different from JSON schema form */
[data-testid*="RetoolWidget:FormWidget2"] > div > div > div {
  flex: 0 0 auto !important;

hi @Tess, is there an ETA for the fix to the textarea height/rows bug in JSON Schema Form? thx!

Thanks for checking in! It is still in our backlog, but I don't have an eta for it yet, unfortunately

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