Issue with MERGE INTO on Databricks

Hello, we're still seeing the error discussed here ("A ResultSet was expected but not generated" with MERGE INTO queries..)
Is it possible this issue was re-introduced?

The issue may have been reintroduced. I have sent the issue over to our team to see what is going on here!

@jbc Thank you for reporting! The MERGE INTO queries don't usually return any result. Even though it shows the error "A ResultSet was expected but not generated from query", the query should succeed. I've filed a task for the team to improve the UX around this error, meanwhile you can continue using the query!

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I am having that issue myself. How can I get around that?

Hello Harry. Are there any updates on this?

@malcantara sorry, my team hasn't had time to look into this yet. Just to reiterate the message above: it is a display error, the query should still succeed. Instead of relying on the error, you can fix the data again to confirm it has been updated. This is required because MERGE INTO doesn't return any result.