Is there anyway to integrate Stripe Checkout with Retool? Struggling with the Stripe Card Form

I'm trying to build a public app where users can enter their credit card information, and then get charged with Stripe.

While I was planning on using the Stripe Card Form, I've been having a hard time finding any documentation on integrating it with Retool. The only forum thread I've managed to find is this one.

In particular, I'm getting stuck on how to create and confirm the payment intent with the credit card token. I put in a dummy credit card and connected it to a sandbox. But it's saying that the Payment Method doesn't exist. Am I missing a step? I assumed the token creation was automatically creating the card.

In any case, I was wondering if it was possible to embed Stripe's Checkout functionality in Retool instead. It seems more comprehensive and has a better UI, and is way less code than this path. However, I couldn't figure out how to embed the backend code on their documentation.

There is a very specific order in which you need to process a payment... I have posted the order in screenshots in a previous post....just need to find it so brb.... :slight_smile:

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I go over using the stripe library in an iframe component in a post over here if that's what you're looking for.... it lets you use their buy button:

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This is super helpful Scott! Thank you so much.

Out of curiosity, is there a Stripe documentation form that you used somewhere explaining the order of these steps? For example, why we need to detach the payment method, or get the existing stripe payment methods, etc. I couldn't find anything like that on the stripe documentation in my searches.

Reading through the Stripe API actually.... the steps in the screenshot are there because I needed to do them - you may not need to do all of what I did... :slight_smile:

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