Is end user Dashboard application possible?

I want to creating an application that will show data belonging to specific users. I want when a user (end user) login he should see only specific application and data that belong to the user not all app, admin page etc. The basic of this application is dashboard app that user can sign up, login, able to select services with price and details, billing, has a function to see service progress as tickets, able to comment on ticket make appointment about ticket. backend admin should be able to modify service tickets and update, deleteIs this possible to achieve on retool?



Hi Mickey, this is certainly possible, but how you go about it will depend on a few factors, such as what type of DB you're using and how you handle user authentication and permissions.

Here are some suggestions:

  • You can use Retool to create user registration and login forms. When users log in, you can verify their credentials against your database.
  • Make sure that each record in your database has a field that associates it with a specific user. This way you can display the correct user data when they login.
  • You'll need to implement a permission system that associates each user with specific data. When the user logs in, you'll need to retrieve their user ID and role in order to filter data in your application.
  • The admin panel should be separate from the user dashboard and you'll need to ensure that admin actions are authenticated and properly restricted.

I hope this helps!