Install python modules in Workflow

Is there any other method to use python modules in workflows other than request library (which I did).
For ex. do pip install confluent-kafka somewhere and use this module.

Hey @Oleksii_Kraievyi, there isn't currently a way to do this, but we are actively working on supporting more custom Python libraries. I can update this thread here when I have additional information on timing, etc. Thanks!

Hi @joeBumbaca
Is there any library to parse PDFs using Python?
I noticed an installed lib to create PDF files (python-pdf v0.39), but this library cannot parse PDF files.
If there isn't any available lib yet, could you install PyPDF2, please?

@Rodrigo_Zembrzuski I don't believe any of the currently imported python libraries are capable of parsing PDFs. I'll submit a feature request to add this one, and as mentioned above we are actively working on allowing custom libraries so you won't have to request one-offs such as PyPDF2.

@joeBumbaca, I'm glad to hear that we will be able to manage our libraries!
Is there an estimate to install the PyPDF2 library?

Hey @Rodrigo_Zembrzuski There is not an eta but I will update you here when I have any additional information.

Hi @joeBumbaca
I understand that there is not an ETA yet. However, would you tell me how long similar requests usually take to be executed?

Do we make python library requests here? Is there anyway to get pyxlsb installed in the workflows so that pandas can read XLSB files?

@Rodrigo_Zembrzuski @jg80 I can enable the custom python library feature flag for your orgs so that you can install these yourselves. DM me your org subdomains and I'll switch that on for you.

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is this being worked on for js (npm) or is that one much more complicated? btw is it possible to try that out for python :wink:

@bobthebear Enabled for your org! Custom JS libraries is also in the works, but that feature is not released yet.

Can you please enable it for:


Could you activate the custom Python library feature flag for my org. I need to install some Python modules for workflows. my org. subdomain is:


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@osamahSalman added!

Could you please enable the custom Python library feature for domain as well? Thank you

@joeBumbaca could you please add custom python libraries for domain? No rush!

Hi @joeBumbaca,Could you please add custom python libraries for domain? Thanks a lot for your help !

Could you enable custom python library flag for our org as well?

@joeBumbaca could you please add custom libraries for
Thank you in advance!