Infinite scroll with server-side pagination in a table

Hey. I need assistance in improving the performance of the pagination of a table in my app (I read the docs and it wasn't helpful in that regard).

I tried a few options and ultimately decided that the best user experience would be an "infinite scroll" table, meaning a chunk of data is initially loaded and rendered, then when the user gets to the bottom a new request is made and the table grows.

From the table component options, selecting "server-side pagination" and "overflow scroll" doesn't work -- it only works with "overflow pagination".

Is there a way of making the infinite scroll work?

Hi, I have the same question. I'm trying to implement this to improve my app loading times.

Hey @amilcarSanchez! With the legacy table, client side pagination can be set up for Scroll or Traditional Arrow / button based pagination. But server side pagination can only be used with the page buttons.

On Table V2, all pagination (both client and server side) is set up with the pagination buttons. There is no scroll option available. This still allows you to take advantage of the better loading times for you app though!

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@joeBumbaca Thank you !

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