Goal: I want to iterate values into the API's URL. Ex. Url: 'example.com/api/groups//users'.
Steps: I tried creating a JS Query to manipulate the url in the API Query Resource but that's not returning anything. I also tried doing it via fetch:
console.log('URL:', url);
console.log('Auth Token:', authToken);
// Make sure `fetch` is available in Retool's custom JS environment
fetch(url, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'X-Tableau-Auth': authToken,
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Error fetching data: ${response.status}`);
return response.text(); // Handle as text (or use .json() if the response is JSON)
.then(xmlString => {
console.log('XML Response:', xmlString);
// Process the XML response here, if needed
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error:', error);
- Details: I'm not getting any results even with console.log using fetch. I really need to iterate through a list of group ids when calling the API endpoint.
EDIT: Currently going the javascript route to set the URL for the API Query Resource. But I'm getting 'No URL Protocol Specified Error'
Here's my code:
//Get Group Data.
//Returns array of IDs from groups data
function getGroupIds() {
var array_Id = []; //Returns this.
var array_GroupsData =
post_Groups.data.parsedXml.tsResponse.groups["0"].group; //Parses xml data from post_Groups resource
var array_GroupsData_Length = array_GroupsData.length;
for (var i = 0; i < array_GroupsData_Length; i++) {
return array_Id;
//Get user list per group.
//Returns username and ID per group.
function getUserFromGroupId(index, groupId) {
get_GroupUsers.url = 'https://*****.tableau.com/api/3.24/sites/*******/groups/'+groupId+'/users?pageSize=1000';
get_GroupUsers.method = 'GET';
return get_GroupUsers.data
function main() {
var array_groupId = getGroupIds();
var array_groupId_Length = array_groupId.length;
var temp;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
temp = getUserFromGroupId(i,array_groupId[i]);
return temp;
return main();
Here's the error: