How to use listView

    "instance": {
      "instanceName": "W-55xxxxx68",
      "owner": "",
      "profileName": "Ruan Santana | Automações",
      "profilePictureUrl": "",
      "profileStatus": "🤖Automatize processos e aumente sua eficiência com serviços de automação personalizados.",
      "status": "open",
      "serverUrl": "",
      "apikey": "W-55xxxxx68"
    "instance": {
      "instanceName": "teste-W-55xxxxx68",
      "status": "connecting",
      "serverUrl": "",
      "apikey": "teste-"

Hey @ruansantana! Happy to help :slight_smile:

I used your data (thank you so much for sharing the demo data, super helpful), and I replaced the profilePictureUrl fields with some URLs of my own.

It's working for me! See attached app JSON if you want to poke around with my setup! You can import this JSON file by clicking Create new (home page) > From JSON. Quick docs on importing apps here.

 "instance": {
 "instanceName": "W-55xxxxx68",
 "owner": "",
 "profileName": "Ruan Santana | Automações",
 "profilePictureUrl": ";0.175xw,0&resize=1200:*",
 "profileStatus": "🤖Automatize processos e aumente sua eficiência com serviços de automação personalizados.",
 "status": "open",
 "serverUrl": "",
 "apikey": "W-55xxxxx68"
 "instance": {
 "instanceName": "teste-W-55xxxxx68",
 "status": "connecting",
 "serverUrl": "",
 "apikey": "teste-",
  "profilePictureUrl": ""
