How to get a lookup of signed URLs using key rather than array index

I have created a list of signed URLS from a table of keys (this triggers row by row getSignedURL which returns the signed URL from my google bucket)

getSignedurls JS
const promises = formatDataAsArray( => {
    return getSignedURL.trigger({
        additionalScope: {
            name: row.key

return Promise.all(promises); 

I want to be able to refer to this array not by index[0], but by the original keys,[key_name] and return the signed URL. How would I augment this script?

I have another helper which maps a bunch of keys to a bunch of values so I think all that is needed is a combination of what is below with what is above:

let dictionary = Object.assign({}, => ({[x['gcs_name']]: x['signedUrl']})));
return dictionary

Something like this but it still isn't right:

let dictionary = Object.assign({}, => ({[x['gcs_name']]: getSignedProfile.trigger({
        additionalScope: {
            name: x['gcs_name']
return dictionary

I think actually this is a work around:

let result =  Object.assign.apply({}, formatDataAsArray( (v, i) => ( {[v.gcs_name]:[i].signedUrl} ) ) );
return result
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