How do you rotate your AWS credentials?

So, i have integration with DynamoDB and Lambda - the problem is that AWS supports only IAM User integration (needing to supply access key ID and password).

We're trying to do the AWS competency assesment, and we're failing only because of retool:
* The AWS Access Keys are rotated at least weekly

I wanted to set up a weekly rotation that will update the secrets in retool - but retool API is not available in business plans.

this is frustrating, what can be done?

Hello @Ariel_Beck!

Here are our docs on rotating API keys.

As you mentioned the the Retool API is not available to business plans, so there are not a lot of options. You would likely need to implement a creative work around to have a workflow run on a timed schedule via a CRON job to get a new API key to replace the old one :sweat_smile: