Help with versioning and source control

I'm wondering if it's possible to remove or end versioning of our applications now that we have source control and use GitHub. We started off using versions before we upgraded to Enterprise, and I thought we would no longer need to release new versions when we merged a branch to main, but it seems we still do.

Is there anyway to kind of "end" using versions on our apps now that we are using branches?

Hi @eslinz, it is possible to remove versioning. Go to the options of your live version and click 'Unpublish release.'

That'll make it so the current working version (that version) is live.


Oh I see - so "unpublish release" doesn't just go back to the latest release, just the working version on main?

Correct! It goes back to the current working version, which is not necessarily the latest. This can be a bit confusing so here is a visual example:

Here is the last version I published (v0.2.0) before 'Unpublishing:'

After some changes:

As long as we don't change versions, this current working version is live. However, because versioning is disabled at this point, if we were to go revert to any version (including the v0.2.0), we would lose all updates made since we unpublished it.

On the other hand, if v0.1.1 was the last published version:

It would be live because it's the current working version, despite the fact that is not the latest version.

I highly recommend clicking the 'current working version' link on the warning to prevent any loss of progress. :slightly_smiling_face: