The product i want to build is an External Communication Platform, built on top of Sendgrid, where our clients can ask for specific language for an email - email and communication is synonymous for the remainder of this post - (this would include language for the email body, subject line, preheader, etc.), and with a couple of clicks of a button, id be able to send it off to all, lets say, 10,000 recipients on behalf on this client.
These communications would vary on a day to day basis (different email bodys, different language, different branding, etc.). Obviously we would have a catalogue of communications our clients can choose from, but the language within it would differ drastically between clients and use-case.
Im not sure if anyone has built something similar to this, but what I struggle with the most is:
Figuring out how to make the query that would grab the necessary information to be a part of the communication (think recipient name, recipient address, recipient age, etc.) to be easily modifiable (for example, if the client wants us to change the email body to include the recipients first name only), but also not too modifiable where the query becomes a jumble of variables that you can modify (i hope this made sense to someone)
Figure out what part of the query would remain static vs what would be dynamic. In other words, branding for a client would remain static (as we wouldnt change this for every communication), but the subject line, for example, would be dynamic (since one communication could say "This is urgent!" vs "Here's some information about...". This kinda ties into the same bullet point as the one above.
How to make it so we can literally see the communication change in real time as we make modifications to dynamic variables. I dont think its possible yet, but instead of copy pasting JSON data from a query and then pasting it into Sendgrid, just to see how the communication would like before sending, id want see it directly from retool.
Anyways, thats the idea im working on, and if anyone has built a Communication Platform on Retool that allows you to easily modify dynamic variables within a communication, please let me know!