Fantasy Football Draft Strategy - GenAI Use Case

Thought I'd share this fun example we worked on to showcase another GenAI use case. This one was intended to show how you can continually generate GenAI responses in real time for different scenarios, utilizing input data, as well as customizable user inputs.

The three options in the screenshots that get generated by GenAI are:

  1. Generate a full draft strategy given your league settings and draft position
  2. Generate a strategy for the remaining part of the draft given the above, as well as taking into consideration the previous picks
  3. Given who has been drafted before my current pick, just tell me who I should pick for my next pick

Side note, it was also fun generating the arrays to click on the player on the right and have it fill in the template on the left, then hide the player on the right.

Hope this inspires thoughts for others, it was certainly a fun showcase for us!


Awesome idea, @ezerjesse! Thanks for sharing :football: :robot:.