Fail to invite user from AWS EC2 on-prem installation

Hi retool community.

I have just finish setting up a on-prem retool instance in AWS EC2. When I want to invite other users, it fails.

The error message doesn't give too much information.

This EC2 is behind firewall with load balancer on the top. I am not sure if this is related to sending invitation email setup or port restriction? Is there a log somewhere I can look into to find out the details of error?

If this is related to sending email and the port, could you please advise the proper setup?
Do I still have to open all required port with although it is behind the firewall. External traffic won't reach directly to this server for security reason.



Hi @Henry_Leung! Thanks for reaching out.

I'm not confident that this is a networking issue, but it's definitely possible. I'd recommend checking the logs for more insight into the exact nature of the error that's being thrown. You should be able to SSH into your EC2 instance and run the command sudo docker compose logs -f api to specifically see logs being thrown by the api container.

Feel free to share a dump of your logs here or via DM if you need assistance decipering them!