Export PDF - query results and line feed

Hi, I am using this statement in the PDF export setup:
Joint Ventures:
{{ Validate_JVSO1.data.RJVNAM }}

It works but I get all entries on one line and therefore not all 27:
Joint Ventures:

Is there a way to have it presented in a column (vertical)?

Hey @SNMVR6! It looks like you're maybe returning data like:

{"Joint Ventures":["JW5000,JW5001,JW5002,JW5003,JW5004,JW5005,JW5006,JW5007,JW5009"]}

when you actually want

{"Joint Ventures":["JW5000","JW5001","JW5002","JW5003",...]}

Could you try

{{ { RJVNAM: Validate_JVSO1.data.RJVNAM[0].split(',').map(Number) } }}

Note! This changes if you're not returning exactly an object of an array. Let me know how this works for you :slight_smile:

const data = {info:["12,23,234,2234"]}
return { info: data.info[0].split(',').map(Number) }

Hi, I tried your suggestion but that did not work.:



{{ { RJVNAM: Validate_JVSO1.data.RJVNAM[0].split(',').map(Number) } }}

[object Object

Other suggestion?


OK, solved it now ....pff ....

Any suggestion how to:

  • right align or left align a column with marked down?
  • change column header text with marked down?
  • use bold to make text bold in output with marked down?


Awesome! Glad to hear you solved that first issue. If you don't mind, what did you end up doing to get the right result?

I actually don't believe you're able to use Markdown to customize table column styles, but if you click a column, you should be able to manually change the appearance if that helps at all!