Have a GraphQL query called getShipmentNoticeOrderById which fetches some data that populates a table inside a modal. Works perfectly fine in edit mode, but when you view the app it throws an error, referencing the table that is using that query output:
getShipmentNoticeOrderById failed (1.127s):Node does not exist: shipmentTable._columnSize.RetoolInternal-121cf1a1-078f-49b1-9615-03be03aec980-RowExpansionColumnId
The confusing thing is that it works in edit mode and that the error is saying something about the _columnSize on the table which consumes the data from the query. Don't really know how to troubleshoot this, seems like it might be a bug in Retool?
Thanks for reporting this! I'd like to pass this along to our team internally for a fix, but I'm having trouble reproducing it. Any chance you're able to share an app export with me?
Hi @OLR,
Thanks for your +1! I will share this example with the team that owns this bug
I was recently working with someone else hitting this error, and turning off automatic column width on the table seemed to help If you don't have that setting on, or if turning it off doesn't help, I'm not aware of another workaround yet