Error: Validation "value required in field" submitting successfully when box is empty


I have a number of boxes in a mobile app which when populated with information and the submit button is pressed should update the record in the database, this is working, however even if the box is left empty and validation is checked on, the form still submits the empty value successfully to the database. Screenshots below:

Screenshot 2023-05-22 084250
Screenshot 2023-05-22 085421

Please advise

Hi @Hugh_O_Keeffe

Thanks for reporting this! I am seeing something similar. It's a strange bug :thinking:

On my side, I am seeing that if I create the form in desktop & then elect to show it on mobile, the validation on submit works in desktop, but not in mobile. Then, vice versa, if I create the form in mobile and then show it on desktop, the validation only works properly on mobile. I'm curious if you're seeing the same behavior?

I'll submit this bug to our team for a fix! If you're seeing the same behavior, I'd recommend creating two separate forms if you need desktop & mobile (and hiding them as needed)

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I am wondering if the team will get around to fixing this issue? It is still occurring, data validation (required fields) in mobile does not work. Form submits regardless of whether it is empty or not,


Thanks for checking in! I am checking with our team internally & will let you know when I get an update


I also wanted to double check to ensure you have this field, 'validate inputs on submit', checked on for the form?

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Hi Tess,

I figured out the issue, I was not including my individual forms inside a form, so there was no option to Validate inputs on submit, but now it's working. You have to build your app inside a form so that you have the option to check the Validate inputs on submit option,
