Error: "missing ) after argument list"

Really struggling with this. I have a button that has the following code on a click handler:

//Loop through all and save current values
=> {
paymentMilestones.setIn([m.primaryKey], {
"date": m.textInput35,
"amount": m.textInput36,
"milestone": m.textInput34
let currentPaymentMilestones = paymentMilestones.value;

No errors on the javascript at all in the window, but when I click the button, I get the following:

Error:missing ) after argument list


in run script(button17)

in button17 click event handler(button17)

from user interaction

No red lines or errors when writing the javascript code, and when hovering over all the variables, the correct values appear. Is it an issue with the forEach() ? It works when I take the forEach out.


I've removed the forEach() and replaced it with:

for(let m = 0; m < listView11.instanceValues.length; m++) {
paymentMilestones.setIn([m], {
"date": listView11.instanceValues[m].textInput35,
"amount": listView11.instanceValues[m].textInput36,
"milestone": listView11.instanceValues[m].textInput34

and it now works. How stange.

I think this is a result of the Javascript's automatic semicolon insertion in some scenarios.

Definitely not obvious (and a classic gotcha, per the article linked above), and might be nice for Retool to throw a linter hint... though there might be other considerations why it doesn't.

If I turn your:

=> {


listView11.instanceValues.forEach(m => {

it works for me.

Here's an excerpt on my end (The adjusted code is just for component naming and state/contents in my test app):

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.54.36 AM
Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.54.32 AM

With newline removed from argument list:

Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.55.05 AM
Screenshot 2024-11-13 at 11.55.01 AM