Environment switcher for endusers

I'm also basically re-posting this person's post:

End-users on our account don't have access to the environment switcher, and admins don't have access to the displayed Beta flag to enable that feature.

I sent an email to [support@retool.com] explaning this issue.
We need this exact solution Viewers can't access multiple environments - #2 by joeBumbaca

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Hi @metehan.tasbas, welcome to the forum! :wave:

First and foremost, I'm sorry for the nerve-racking experience trying to solve this issue. We have now made sure the flag is activated for your organization. If you go back to Settings -> Beta , you should be able to find a toggle button for "Viewer Environments Toggle." Activating that setting should fix the issue.

Please let us know if you can't see the toggle button, or if your end users still can't switch environments. We'll be happy to take a closer look at the issue.

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Can we also have this for our organization? We have started to use user permissions more seriously and still need to allow people to see different enviornments.

Thank you,

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Hey @rypatter, we just enabled the flag to your organization! :white_check_mark:
Did one of your users do something they were not supposed to? :smiling_imp:

Hello @Paulo,

Is it possible to enable this feature flag for my organization?


Hi @ Mohammed_Algadhib, welcome to the forum! :wave:
We just enabled this feature flag for your organization! :hammer_and_pick:

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Hi @Paulo ,

Can you please enable the same flag on our organization?


Welcome back to the forum @Ahmad_Tantawy! :slightly_smiling_face:
The feature flag has been enabled for your org. :checkered_flag:

Hi @Paulo!

Can you please enable it for our org, too? :pray:


Welcome to the forum @bolshakoff! :wave:
The feature flag has been enabled for your org. :racing_car::dash:
I also sent a DM to you with more details.

Jumping into this request, this would be great to have for our environment also!

Hi @Jim_Caldwell, we just enabled it for your org. :saluting_face:

Thank you! you guys are great!

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Would love to have this enabled for my org too please :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum, @tplant! :wave:
Absolutely, the feature flag is now available in your org. :golf:

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@Paulo I think our org used to have this feature and has recently lost it. Could we get it reenabled?

Hi @dennis_nimblerx, happy to help! :slightly_smiling_face:
It looks like your org does have this feature flag. Look for this toggle under the Beta tab, inside of your org settings.

Am I looking on the wrong page? I can't see this option on our Beta tab anywhere.

Interesting! :face_with_monocle:
I disabled it and re-enabled it for your org. Do a hard refresh and look for it again, since the flags are not in alphabetical order, we may need to do a 'cmd + f' for search, or scroll through all of them.

@Paulo odd. After several hard refreshes, still nothing. As you can see in my last screenshot, I did do a cmd+f find for the setting and nothing pops up. Checking the network logs, I think your API may be returning true for the toggle (just guessing what the experiment feature flag's name is). No idea why it's nowhere to be found in the UI

Again, this is something I think we had enabled at our org up until recently. Several of our internal users are complaining of having lost access to change envs.