Embedding Adobe PDF

I'm working on an api that will utilize Adobe's Acrobat DC (for full PDF editing functionality), however when I tried to embed their demo code for just the Acrobat viewer the component is blank. Here is the embed code provided by Adobe.

I have tried pasting this into the HTML component in my app but remains blank.
I have tried adding "https://documentservices.adobe.com/view-sdk/viewer.js" to libraries and then placing the javascript code into a query leaving only the adobe-dc-view DIV tag in the HTML component and then triggering the query, but still nothing.

Hi @samgray1999 - my colleague actually made an amazing demo app that you can see here which utilises the adobe cloud embed API along with a custom component. I think this should help get you started but if you have any further questions on this, please let me know!

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