Email Markdown Preview not Interpolating Variables

I am trying to compose an email with a workflow and I would like to preview the message.

You can see that in the editor tooltip, it is interpolating the variables, but when you click preview, they are not.

I was hoping to see the same text, Testy McTester in the preview as well.


Hey @khill-fbmc! Thanks for swinging by office hours and bringing this up. We do have an internal ticket tracking this, and I've added your report to it. I'll definitely update you here as it gets any work done on it, I don't have any ETA currently.

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I think an update might have been pushed? Instead of the vars missing, there is a new issue!

It seems like the preview has some sort of character limit on the output?

This is a relatively small snip of html I am trying to preview and I only get to see 1.5 of the elements (there is only like 10)

If I try toggling the email block from HTML to Text, you can still see it is capping the preview

I was hoping maybe it was a scroll issue, but to my dismay, it is not

@joeBumbaca, Any idea how we can preview the entire email without repeatedly sending it to ourselves?

Edit: After testing, it is 100 characters. That is what the preview is oddly capped at.