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Je n'arrive pas à rendre l'URL de mon GET dynamique.
Je m'explique :
Je souhaite appeler plusieurs tableaux TRELLO avec un même GET API et pour cela, j'ai un tableau avec des idBoards et j'aimerais que l'URL puisse les charger les uns après les autres.
exemple :
const array = ["1234", "5555", 4566", "9876"]
Hey @Geool! Just to double check, are you running query16 (the JS query) to trigger getData_docusign, or are you triggering it directly? Since we're using additionalScope, we need to make sure we're running the getData query only from the JS query that's able to pass additionalScope in!
And in case you are already triggering only from the JS query and still getting this error, if you try hardcoding both of the Ids (one at a time), does the getData query work?
Right now, I have a JS request "Query 16" where I copied ScottR's code and a request for the docusign API where I have my url in which I try to inject the "docusignFoldersIDs" variable like ScottR did in his post.
As a result, I don't know how to make the code work.
My request to the API works if I replace the variable with the hard code:
Hey @victoria,
Sorry for the long delay, I was in training.
my request to the api, when I change the variable by a hard data it works. But there, with the code of ScottR it does not work and I do not know why ...
According to you, query16 must stay as it is ?
And I have to create a new query, query22, to remake the method to put it in my getData_docusign2 URL query, right ???
Based on this screenshot, it looks like you might not be passing in the right array of values on lines 1-5. We want to only pass in an array of the IDs. Would you mind if I stepped into your app to take a look?
If so, the name of your app would be very helpful!
Unfortunately no, there is this additionalScope that randomly shows me undefined when I call it with +500 data for the api call.
When I press "run" the application slows down, and takes a long time to return completely random results which I think are not due to the number of calls on the api but maybe to the response time...
Here is the link of the topic created on the forum, thanks for your help