Dropdown/Select Component folded out invisibly

Hey folks, thanks for resurfacing this issue! We've had a significant amount of trouble reproducing the behavior on our end which is a big part of why it hasn't been addressed yet. I've bumped the issue again with the team.

@zpieratt37, since you're able to get a consistent repro would you mind sharing more screenshots of your configuration, perhaps alongside an app JSON?

Also thank you for posting your workaround here @dzear, curious to know if you're still able to reproduce the behavior using a date component or a date time component without your workaround.

Sure thing! Our setup is dropdown mapped via a MongoDB query, returning template results. These include variables which the user needs to fill out prior to submission. The way we caught it was users attempting to click into or paste details into these variables and the dropdown element is lingering over it.

I would be happy to share the app JSON if I can send you that individually!


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