Double-click on table row no longer selects row

  • Goal: When a user double clicks a table row, I want the row to be available via table.selectedSourceRow. This used to be the behaviour, and I have many apps that rely on this.

  • Steps: This behaviour stopped working this morning. I have confirmed it with a simple example.

  • Details: Cloud Retool version 3.98.0

  • App json export: Dropbox


I am experiencing the same issue.
Previously, when I double-clicked, the row would become selected, and I could retrieve the value of the double-clicked column from Table.selectedSourceRow.
However, when I double-click, the row does not enter the selected state, and no value is stored in selectedSourceRow.

We are experiencing the same issue with table.selectedRow.key.

We're also experiencing same issue with table.selectedRow. It is not working properly after Retool version was changed.

Good morning @paulf @k.fukuie @SinfulDev and @mok :wave:

Looks like this was a new bug that has since been fixed. I just tested this out and it is working on my end. Please let me know if you're still experiencing issues!

Special thank you to @paulf for the repro app which made the testing process very fast!

Thank you so much for the quick resolution!

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Happy to help!