Property 'selectedRow' doesn't work

When I try to access the 'selected Row' property of a table it returns a value completely different from the selected row.


Hi @rls13,

That's strange. Have you tried logging the whole row and see what is it that it is returning? Does the behavior persist after refreshing the page?

Apparently it orders the data in ascending order and returns me based on the position of the array returned by the query

This is the query:


This is the first record:

Very strange. Is it the same with selectedSourceRow ?

Hello, our team is encountering the same problem with selectedRow. Table data shows ok, selectedRow returns an object but fields are null. Please see attached screenshot. We encountered this issue only today across different tables. It used to work fine and return correct values.

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I performed another simpler test and I still get the same error.

Steps to replicate the error:

1.- Perform a query in postgres
2.- Add the table component and link it to the query.
3.- Refresh the browser tab and check the properties of the table.

We’re experiencing the same issue - none of our Retool apps are functional right now because selectedSourceRow is always returning null. This needs to be resolved immediately. It’s surprising that such a critical bug made it through QA.

I am experiencing the same problem. Refreshing the page sometimes kinda works. This just happened within the past few hours.

I started experiencing the same issue from today. Was there an update?

Hi folks! Thanks for reporting this issue. Our on-call team investigated this, and they're shipping a fix :slightly_smiling_face: