Disabled Rotate Button PDF

I'm using the PDF Viewer component from Retool to organize PDF's which are stored at a Supabase Bucket.
Retrieving the PDF's, showing them in the component, no problem.

But when I add the Rotate Button - it shows up, but it's disabled.
It's showing a forbidding symbol (hard to take a screenshot of it)

THe only way I can make this button work is with the demo file, also manual uploaded files won't allow to rotate.

How can I make this work?

Hello @Ronaldvm

Have you enable the rotate button into the inspect of add ons , if not then enable it. because in my app when i add the rotate button its working perfectly.


Yes, i have enabled the button, as I wrote the demo file worked, but my manual uploads did not.

Some further investigation learned me rotation seems only be possible on multipage PDF's. I wonder if this is on purpose or that this might be a bug?

Hey @Ronaldvm ,

That might be bug but if you want to use then you can also upload the pdf file in storage and use in it.

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We have run into this same issue. In our situation we are using manually uploaded files being displayed using the "url" specification of the pdf viewer component. All single page PDF documents have the rotate button blocked while multi-page PDFs work.
It's as if the rotate button is dependent on the "right" page arrow being enabled because scrolling farther into the PDF will disable the rotate button at the same time the right page arrow is disabled.

We deal with a lot of single page pdf documents that were input through a document scanner in large batches and we inevitably get documents that need to be rotated to be usable within our apps. If it was a design decision to block the rotate button on single page documents it would be excellent if it could be reconsidered as it would help tremendously to be able to rotate on any PDF document, regardless of size.


Hello everyone,

Can confirm from my testing that it seems only multipage PDFs can be rotated. Not sure if this was intentional or not but I can report this to our engineers and hopefully get this fixed quickly!

Will post any updates I get in this thread :+1:

Was this removed from the Add-on options? I now only see these options.
Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 3.01.41 PM