Developer Dark Mode

Hi there,

Thanks for checking in! Unfortunately, we had several large scale projects that were prioritized over this feature this year. That said, we are still tracking feedback and requests for this feature and hopefully it's something we can prioritize on our roadmap in the future :crossed_fingers:

I'll add your feedback & +1 to the ticket we're using to track requests internally

:laughing: @bradlymathews ! Really wish I had better news

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I can't use Retool until you have a Dark Mode bummer..

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unfortunately, i think i need to go elsewhere until they have dark mode. my eyes can't stand the constant back and fourth



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Just started to use Retool for 1 days and already think it's amazing... however I'm pretty much burnt out already from eye strain using the application. I use a lot of IDE and unfortunately this is one of the first requirements for me to use a tool.. i.e I can actually use it for long periods.

Pretty much a deal breaker for me if dark mode doesn't appear soon!


I couldn’t agree more. The themes for the front end are great, but need the tool to be dark for when working in dark environments, esp at night, no one needs to be blinded when going back to the tools!

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=) grab the Retoll VS Code extension then you can at least work on all your queries in a themed out (pimped out for code monkeys.... lol idk if that's a term, but I'm making it one) IDE. I don't blame ya though, my IDEs are heavily customized towards a dark-ish theme so sometimes if I'm not doing any theme/style related work I'll turn on that chrome Dark Reader extension just to get a bit of a break

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great idea! unfortunately it doesn't look good for us mac users


@bradlymathews found a temporary CSS solution here

I'm not sure if it's just me or not but my class name was different than what Bradly originally posted (he mentioned the class name changed once on him already, so it's possible I'm not as horrible w CSS as I thought lol):

body {
    filter: invert(1);

body .editor-canvas-container {
    filter: invert(1);

this makes the editor dark theme, but the canvas and where the webapp is placed is unaffected (so you can still see the correct theme on the webapp). again, I didn't find this, so if it helps anyone I'd suggest following the link above and giving bradlys post a like.

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@josh2e You need to upgrade the VS version - you can do that in VS by going to the main menu and select update


Matlab have also been dragging their feet on Dark Mode for years now. Hopefully Retool team will have something before Matlab does!


I want to know where this is on the roadmap please, it seems things nobody are asking for get prioritized over this objectively essential setting, especially for those with disabilities. For example last update:

'* Added link underline style options to the Link, Toggle Link, Link List, Table, and Key Value components.'

This still hasn't made it on to our immediate roadmap :disappointed: I'm making sure to share all feedback from this thread internally though! :crossed_fingers:

For a temporary workaround there is a chrome extension (Dark Night Mode) that does a reasonable job:

Far from amazing but better than eye strain.

+1 for actual dark mode :slight_smile:

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thanks for another suggestion for an extenstion for us to try and welcome to the forums! I th8nk most people problems with these extensions is that they modify the theme of the app your currently working on too. so if your trying to work on the light theme for your app youll never see the true cghanges you make before the extensions modifies it. ill try out the one you suggested tho, thx again!

thank you for the suggestion, this seems to be the best solution atm!
