DataSource DynamoDB Connection Established but getting error The selected data source is empty or could not be converted to an array

I have connection establish and when i run scan i do get the results
Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 9.25.01 AM

but i connect to the data source i get the error The selected data source is empty or could not be converted to an array.
Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 9.25.13 AM

I see that it has list of items wondering why i get the error and not sure how to resolve as i am new to retool

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Hey @Ajay_Kumar, do you see the data property of that query populated in the state tab?

A couple of things could lead to this scenario.

  1. Previewing the query vs running it will not load the data in the app model
  2. Making a change to the query and saving it will remove the old data, and the query needs to be re-run.

Let me know if you are still seeing this and a screenshot of the property from the state tab would be helpful, thanks!