A few members on my team have noticed that using the "Compare changes" feature and looking between different versions of our app are no longer showing the updates that have been made. This is an app that we have been using for over a year with many successful updates which have been shown with this feature in the past. Our other apps are showing the compare changes correctly. Changing the "Base" or "Compare" does not seem to fix this bug. Has anyone else been facing this issue/know how to fix it?
Hi @Katie_M,
Thanks for reaching out! Could you share which app in your organization is impacted by this issue? Could you share an app export?
Do you happen know when folks started to notice the issue?
Does comparing the current with a very old version have any diff?
Hi @Tess ,
Thank you for getting back to me. Happy to share an app export in a direct message with you. How would you like me to send this to you?
We noticed this issue within the past week and a half but or so.
Comparing any version with any other version (which have changes between them) have no differences listed.
Hey @Katie_M,
I sent you a DM yesterday You can send the app json there
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