Checkbox tree "checked" property

hi! I started using the checkbox tree component, and I noticed that when I check on any item, the original "value" property is an integer, but the component returns an array of strings. So in order to know which labels are checked, I need to cast the values of checkboxTree1.structure to string. Unless I'm missing something. Any ideas?

This would be an example of how it works from what I see:
checkboxTree1.structure[0].value = 123; //OK!
checkboxTree1.checked[0] = "123"; //NOT OK!

Thanks in advance

Hi @Ignacio_Martinez ,

Thanks for pointing that out! I've already created a ticket for the team to review this issue and address the inconsistency between the value types in the checkbox tree component when using integer values.

In the meantime, the best solution would be to cast the value to a string, as you mentioned. A member of the team will keep you posted with any updates.