Can't load app with " took too long to respond"

I was editing my app and triggered a query to run with a bad param (like 'select * from table where id = '');
This query didn't time out (though I had set it to time out after 120 seconds), it just kept running and then eventually crashed the app (I think I might also have been pressing around buttons like 'Preview Changes' etc. in the meantime.
Now, my workspace won't load at all (none of the apps load).
How do I 'kill' the current process that has hung and refresh?

Hey @sap!

At the moment we don't have a button to kill long-running queries though it is something on our radar. For now, you can try making a small edit to the query and then saving it (using cmd +s / ctrl + s). It's also possible to revert changes in your app through the "Releases and history" menu.

If your app is completely inaccessible you can try using the _historyOffset parameter mentioned here. **This should only be used as a last resort! **The parameter lets you force your app to load in a previous state, however, any changes made (even incidental ones!) will persist that state and you'll lose all other changes you've made.

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Thanks so much for your reply! A few hours after I posted this, my app (which was previously completely inaccessible) became accessible again, and it loaded in a previous state (so I'm guessing someone fixed this, thank you!)
Thank you though for these tips, it will be super helpful if I come across this situation in the future!
Just to clarify, I could go to https://[organization][app]?_historyOffset=1 to open my app to 1 version previous to what it is currently?

It rolls back edits so doing that would undo the last edit you made, 2 would undo the last two edits, etc. It's different from the versions set in release management in that you don't have to set them manually and it'll be a bit more granular. Not sure if that's what you might have been thinking of but just want to clarify anyway!

Good to hear that your app is working again :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah thanks this explanation clarifies things perfectly! Yes rolling back edits is exactly what I wanted to do (not versions from releases) :slight_smile: