Cannot reference data from table from Googlesheets

I'm trying to {{table1.selectedRow.Group_id}} in a component, I'm able to do this with other data from the same table successfully:

but when I try to reference Group Id Column nothing happens:

and it does not show in the recommended data either:

maybe its a paid feature?

If you type {{table1.selectedRow.Group_id}} in the console, what does it show?

If you look at the table column definition for Group id what is the ID set to?

If you go to the query/resource that is populating the table, do you see the Group_id field?

f you type {{table1.selectedRow.Group_id}} in the console, what does it show?

If you look at the table column definition for Group id what is the ID set to?

If you go to the query/resource that is populating the table, do you see the Group_id field?
I see "Group id":

Solved. But what solved this problem was deleting spaces and deleting numbers in column titles in the original google sheet :thinking::thinking::thinking: is this the expected behavior?

Glad it's resolved.

The screenshots help - basically the source must have has a field called "Group ID" with a space, which meant there was no such field as "Group_id" (as does the fact that you solved it by removing the space in the source...)

I've had no problem with numbers in field names (column titles), but I imagine spaces cause troubles. You may be able to reference the data as {{table1.selectedRow."Group ID"}} or {{table1.selectedRow[Group ID]}} or somee combination, but it would take some fiddling around to find out (I'm not a JS expert).

If the title is important in your source, then you might want to go back to spaces and play around with how you reference the field in Retool. If the titles in the source aren't important, I would go with camelCase or underscore_style names to make it easier on yourself in Retool.

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