Can we have a warning when changing mobile theme settings, please?

I have a habit of exporting the JSON and then creating a new app so I can really get dirty with debugging - and when I do this, I change the background of the app so I can quickly tell if I'm in the "real" app or my fake one.

Yesterday I had to debug a mobile app for the first time, so I went looking for the way to change the background color.

I found this:

Voila! I thought - I'll pick an easy one... pink!

I clicked "Apply changes" and I was good-to-go.

Imagine my surprise when a user this morning commented how lovely the new pink background was!

Can you PLEASE put a warning on this button (or a pop-up after you click) telling developers that changing this will change the colors for ALL apps using this theme?

Also I noticed that the "Apply changes" button both applies the changes to the app AND applies the changes to the chosen theme. That should be separated.


Hey @mathfour :wave:

Thank you for the feedback! I've reported this and flagged it as a feature request. We're always looking to make improvements.