Bypassing User Count with Own Auth Service and Public Apps?

Hi all,

I have my own auth service and am wondering if I can use this along with Retool's public apps to reduce the user count. Will users authenticated by my service count as Retool users, or will they not be counted since they're accessing through a public app? Any guidance would be appreciated.


Hey @recep!

Retool designed the Public Apps feature to support applications that are truly accessible to the public (examples could include an application that includes a form for collecting local news reports or a public-facing COVID tracking site). Using Public Apps with your auth to reduce your user count actually goes against the terms of service.

If pricing is a blocker for you at the moment you can reach out to He'd be eager to get you spun up, and see if a product like Retool Portals could work for you!

If you still want your own auth service, you could still use it to make sure users are authorized to take certain actions against backend endpoints by setting up custom API authentication in Resource settings.