BUG? Chart component crashing inspector window

Seems like when I deleted the data that the chart component was using as a data source it crashes the inspector window a few times.

After enough refreshes it is not longer crashing.

My data comes from a firestore database. A query from my library gets the data. In the database I deleted the part of data that was used and moved it to a new location.

Hello @Michael_Wiskow!

That is very odd behavior, how are you deleting the data for the chart component? Is this data being fetched by a query?

If you are deleting the data in the DB the chart should be able to read the empty value and not render anything, so it may be a bug that it cannot handle null/undefined data inputs.

If you could post a screen recording of the process and the database deletion that would help a ton!

I did delete the data in the database via the database console. It is being fetched by a query. I should note that it crashes when selecting anything other then the first instance of the chart component in the table.
I have since completed altering my data and reworking source, so I can't go back and recreate the situation.

Ok thank you for the details.

Currently after altering the data and reworking the source, is the app still crashing when you select anything other than the first chart component in the table?

It looks like you have collapsible rows, is it crashing when you expand rows for every row but the first?

I am able to recreate it. I have a table set to the demo data with expanded rows. In the rows I have a chart component with its datasource set to undefined {{nothing}}.
After a refresh if I expand the first row and select the chart component the inspector works fine.

After a refresh and expanding any other row, then selecting the chart component is when the crash happens.

Hello @Michael_Wiskow thank you for the details!

I followed the steps you listed and confirmed the behavior. Very odd that the first row inspector works but the others hit an error on clicking in to inspect the nested chart component.

Will report this bug to our eng team for a look over!

Hello there,

Just to say we are seeing this as well. I have expanded rows with a tabbed container within it. In each container view we may have one or two charts. The chart data source is referring {{currentRow.results}}

Hello @MiguelOrtiz!

Thank you for reproducing and confirming the bug. Are you deleting the chart data in the same was as Michael_Wiskow?

Does your chart cause that error only on the first and not on other rows as Michael_Wiskow described?

Hey Jack,

Apologies for the late reply, just back from holidays.

Nope, I'm not deleting the chart data in the same as Michael. Actually I'm not able to access the data anymore as it is like that on page load.

The error is on all rows.

The error seems to persist regardless of the data integrity.

Hello @MiguelOrtiz!

No worries, hope the holidays were enjoyable.

That is more concerning that you are getting all rows/charts crashing on page load :face_with_spiral_eyes: Could you share a screen recording of the data source for the charts and the crashing behavior?

@Michael_Wiskow My apologies, the engineering team did tag this as a bug on our end and will be working to fix it. Is it still only happening for you after a refresh? And still works if you click the first row but errors if a non-first row is clicked?

That is correct.