[bug?] Chart can't handle `<img>` tags in hover HTML

  • upon hovering over a data point in a scatterplot chart, i'd love to show an image in the hover tooltip. from around the web, it seems like this is possible for plotly users outside of Retool, but (being new to both) it's hard to translate plotly solutions to retool. every permutation of <img... in plotly hover-over doesn't seem to do anything.

Hi @trz-justin-dev Alice here from Retool Support :wave: Unfortunately showing images in the hover tooltip or labels is currently not possible. There may be a way to do this in the future, when Retool users can use Python libraries in apps - here is the link to the Plotly docs on this for reference (Retool's chart component is a plotly chart).
Currently it's only possible to use Python libraries in Retool workflows but we are working on making these available in apps as well - stay tuned for this :raised_hands:

In the meantime you can try to build the component as a custom component. Custom components are written locally in your development environment and then deployed to Retool.