Automatic column widths for the new table component?

No updates yet :disappointed: but I let the team know you checked in!

Let us know if there are other specific table requests we should be tracking



It's the little things. :pinched_fingers:t2:





+1 Please put a higher priority on this, it shouldn't be a big task.





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auto column width has been added on latest update.


Thank you, Anson!

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Hey Tess, do you know when this will be available for Self-Hosted Retool? Because in v3.26.4 I cannot find this feature.

Hey @mazlinho I don't have an eta yet :thinking: but I can enable the feature for your org if you want. Is it the org under your email?

Hey Tess, cool, that would be nice. Yes, this should be the correct email. I just have both, hosted (not used) and self hosted connected to this mail.

The automatic column widths are a great addition. bug the auto width happens after first rendering the table's original widths, it's confusing for users, asking if the app is okay. Can you please set the auto column width on first table render instead?

On cloud version, using the Retool starting app template with auto width enabled.
table auto width