Automated Timestamp column when "insert a new row"

Hello guys

I'm just starting custom queries on Retool and I have a question. I would like to add a Timestamp value in a dedicated column of my Table whenever a new row is inserted.

It was pretty easy to do so for when updating rows because I just add to bind an event to the "cell change" and specify moment.utc() for updated rows.

But I don't see any event that would help me automatically doing the same for a newly inserted row through the native "Insert a new row".

An alternative would be to automatically populate empty values in the Timestamp column with moment.utc() but I can't seem to know how to do that either.

Can either be done ?


NB : Same problem will arise for adding an automatically generated UUID...


Hey there :wave: You should be able to set the column type to Date or Date Time:

Would that work for your use case?\