Apps not working, disabling WidgetGrid fixes


It seems a recent change related to the WidgetGrid feature is causing our apps to stop working.

It's hard to see a pattern of what's actually broken to make a strong bug report, but we're seeing requests that used to complete instantly now never finish, buttons that used to work no longer seem to run their event handlers or if they do they are taking ages (as in running 30s+ after clicking, when previously it was instantaneous). Changing tabs in containers also seem to stop working or well after being clicked.

If it's relevant this is a multi tabbed container app with Legacy list views in it.

Notably, when I go to debug these issues I notice the Console is also not working. Most logs are not showing up, Timeline show no requests running even though I can see they are running elsewhere, etc etc.

We first noticed the issues yesterday and we use our apps pretty regularly, so perhaps a change that went out end of last week or over the weekend?

Disabling WidgetGrid seems to fix these issues.

Please let me know how I can help get this figured out or what additional information I can provide.

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Thanks for reporting this, @Marcos_Alfonso! We're closely tracking any issues related to the rollout of the WidgetGrid feature.

Are you on a cloud or self-hosted instance? If the latter, which version? Are you able to share a JSON export of your app? Any information you can share would be super helpful!

Hey Darren, appreciate the quick response. Our Retool is Cloud hosted.

I may be able to share the app export, but the repro steps require you access some of our Resources and also do operations that could potentially impact Production data, how do you guys troubleshoot our exports?

Also, is the ability to toggle WidgetGrid an Editor only feature? Our Viewer users are seeing the issues and I don't know of a way for them to disable WidgetGrid. I was hoping disabling it myself would disable it for all of our apps.

App exports aren't connected to resources, so we won't be able to reproduce any performance issues related to specific queries, but it's still useful to see how your app is put together!

I can also confirm that the toggle for WidgetGrid is specific to the current user. I'll double check to see it's possible to disable on an app basis. :thinking: If your app viewers have access to another app, though, they can toggle it off for themselves there!

Are you able to upgrade to the newer version of the ListView component? It should be much more compatible, as a lot of the issues related to WidgetGrid have already been addressed.

I'm going to do a bit more troubleshooting to try and understand this better, but I will try to send you an export of the app by end of day.

How do Viewers disable WidgetGrid? The button is in the bottom bar that only Editors can see. Is there another place where Viewers can disable it?

Thanks! As far as I know, viewers can only disable WidgetGrid by navigating to another app for which they have "Edit" access and disabling it there. Given the fact that this is impacting your end users, we've toggled it off on our end while we investigate! I'll follow up via DM to request more troubleshoooting data. :+1:

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Ah okay that explains why it's suddenly fixed for various people, thanks for doing that.

Saw your DM, I've been in a couple of meetings but will provide you those diagnostics, the app export, and whatever I can figure out on my own by end of my day.

Quick update just to close the loop on this issue - custom components were being mounted by WidgetGrid when they should have instead been hidden, causing certain expensive operations to run in the background that ultimately resulted in extreme performance degradation.

This has since been fixed! Thanks for bringing it to our attention, @Marcos_Alfonso. :+1:

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