Xml2js not working in workflow

I have a workflow that is pulling data from an xml feed, parsing and writing to a database. To parse the data I was using xml2js in Javascript, but it stopped working on 4/4. As an exercise in better understand how ReTool works - wondering if anyone can explain why xml2js would stop working suddenly? Thanks.

Thanks for reporting this issue. When was the last time this workflow worked, and could you describe what stop working means here? What are the errors you are running into?

Stopped working on 4/4 with this error - Error: Cannot find module 'xml2js'

How long has this workflow been running, and when was the last successful run? We have been making some changes to the ways that libraries are used with our work on custom libraries, and I'm trying to determine if this is correlated to a change we've made recently.

We have been running the workflow nightly for two months, so the last time it worked was on 4/3.

Do you mind emailing me (tanay@retool.com) more information, such as your subdomain and the workflowId? That way, I can take a look more closely at what's going on here.